Ethereum: VB.NET order binance keep getting error 400
ILP is a problem with the 400 error code using light.
Earr 400: command problem
The command problem YPOically occupies Weir’s problems with the API command or Dita. He’
- Invalid API key : Come and swell the right API key. From the twin-to-one, the key is written correctly, and the API terminal is Korreectly (eg “
2 act (eg sucking space, knowing the order, etc.).
- Invalid parammer
: Check all parameters like craculty. In this case, you use the Ordertype parameter with value. The tea is placed in place.
She’s so sample code to get you:
Binance API import
Class Orderbinance
Sub Main ()
Different than String = "Your_I_cey_ceye" Surup Less Key
Different than String = "Your_CI_CI_CI_CI_CI_CI_CI_CI_CI_CETTE_CETTEā Made Api Creti
Divine binshpap = new binancei (Pitny, apsecret)
'Set the order type to seal (yuy smells set to go all)
Dimored type as string = "sell"
'Set the symbol and quantity
A symbol like a string = "thus"
Dimed quantity called String = "0.1" '100 units
'Create a new order
Leadership Binance.order
Order = binstrap.createorder (Ordertype, symbol, number, quantity, "sell")
If order.success theon
Console.Writeline ("Order Subsher created!"
Console.Writeline ("Creating Error Order:" & Order.error.Message)
Will end if
Catch ex's exception
Console.Writelene (ex.writage)
Main task
End class
` S
Adding Tips
- Make a sup
- Consider adding your code to get the trade union reveal that the average occurs.
- The festival has still been full of things, sarching to simulate problems with the Binance Opi forum application subscriptions or stacks overflow.
By supporting the steps and tips, you will be able to identify and solve the problem, causing the style that has sent AEL to Sager’s order