Step into the world of SITA Seasons
and witness the excellence of talents.

The Event Company is a unit of Vems Business Services Pvt Ltd. VEMS is a homegrown business company delivering exceptional creativity and services to our clients. We have become a trusted partner for those seeking to honor excellence in all its forms.
SITA (SOUTH INDIAN TALENT AWARDS) is a prestigious award "Celebrating Excellence" that recognizes extraordinary talents who have made a significant impact in their businesses and professions. The awards are not just a night of celebration but also a key to professional connections.
Get to Know Us
Who we are ?
The Event Company is a unit of Vems Business Services Pvt Ltd. VEMS is a homegrown business company delivering exceptional creativity and services to our clients. We have become a trusted partner for those seeking to honor excellence in all its forms.
Get to Know Us
Why SITA ?
SITA (SOUTH INDIAN TALENT AWARDS) is a prestigious award “Celebrating Excellence” that recognizes extraordinary talents who have made a significant impact in their businesses and professions. The awards are not just a night of celebration but also a key to professional connections.
Let's Chill Together
Who we are
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Chill Sets
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Mr. Vigneswar Elangovan
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"Creating Excellence, Sharing Success - It's the SITA's Way!"
Mr. Vigneswar Elangovan
What They Say

Vip Members
Exclusive Beers
Milion Visits
No.3 King St, LA
(+84) 123 4567
Follow Us
Who Play?
- Selena Gomes - 9PM
- Martin Garrix - 10PM
- Justin Timblake - 11PM
- Alan Walker - 12AM
- David Guetta - 1AM
And Chill Together
What To Drink?
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